January 25th, 2024

rambling + eBay mess


Did I tell you guys, something absolutely outrageous happened..... ONE OF MY EBAY ORDERS GOT ALL FUCKED UP IN THE MAIL!!!!!! OK, OK, it happened a long time ago, like a week ago now but I'm still sooooo mad about it!!!! How could that happen!!! And it's all cuz the seller put a PIN in an ENVELOPE! And he or she charged ME like, three extra bucks for shipping!!!! That's ridiculous! So of course the mail sorting machines fuck'd the envelope all up, and the pin fell out somewhere! AN EMPTY ENVELOPE ARRIVED IN MY MAILBOX!!!!!!!! And it's not like that pin was super rare or anything, it was the Lil' Bat pin from 1996, in somewhat OK quality, but I paid 15 bucks for it! How terrible is that!!!!! I blame it on you, ebay seller RESTRAINTS66!!!! Seller beware, he or she refuses to ship things in the right packaging!!!!

Onto some site news, it's still pretty hard for me to edit it in class, but I've got the hang of it. Sorta. ha. I'm adding a couple more pages to my personal area of the site, and I'm thinking of setting up an RSS feed or something. I hope I'm able to bring some good stuff to this site.
Dave Ensign (bless his soul) still hasn't responded to my emails, so no interview probably. He also hasn't shipped out my comic. I hope he's okay! Ha.
Keep an eye on the Aquabats Page and also my About The Webmaster page

Happy Thursday! It's almost the end of the week, have a great day pals!