september 11th 2023

PICTURE HUNTING... and other stuff


(happy 9/11!)

thanks to the kindness of my friends yesterday, i got free art AND a rashguard i didnt win! hells yes! thanks tynoceros, mr. bonkers, and bonehead spazmotron!! anyway, after i finished school today i started looking through the old aquabats websites and found some new pix, which promptly sent reuben into a spiral, so now we're on call and struggling to find ONE image.

if you have the full, uncropped image of this, PLEASE dm me ANYWHERE. or reuben, so dm him at possiblypeachy on instagram (or just pester him for fun.).
in other news, i finally found that toddland pamphlet ive been hunting for for days, i even thought about emailing them! but i found it, and i'll put it up on the supershow page soon. for now, keep your eye out! i swear i'll get around to it someday....
heres the part where i talk about my undying love for reuben. i love you reuben, if i was married to you i would be soooooooooooooooo happy. thanks a lot for being my friend. and for drawing our cadets together so much!